finished servey of land |
in our group (me, CJ, andrew, jordan and lance) we marked out and serveyd an area of land. we used a dumpy and rod to write down points and all together these points will help read the land and in turn will help us find the FFL (finished floor level), pipe lines, house boundry etc. now on the site serveyers do this but it is also good for builders to know the basics to make sure the job thay are doing is correct and that the plans are correct. from doing this i have learnt the value of patience as this is a long job also comunication is important along with good teamwork.i have also learnt that serveying is very important for escivation and also drawing up the house plans. the building act is strict on all aspects of building as well as serveys of land as this will hold your foundations which hold your house and ofcourse is very important. i have also asked my lecturer what you need a servyer for and what a builder can do. i have learnt that only servyers can move and place boundry pegs, locate building locations as well as the offset line, sewer & manhole locations. these points will be important when exevating and profiling for the building. (note: if builder knocks out boundry peg they must have a servayer put it back in the builder CANNOT do it themselves)
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